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My invaluable guide and the #1 book to support yoga teachers!

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In “Cues for Yoga”, I show you how to build poses with clear, concise set-up cues and how to support the pose (and your students) with effective follow-up cues for alignment and deeper connection.

We all learn and receive information so differently. Because of this, I’ve created two options for receiving all the helpful information in “Cues for Yoga” available in either an e-book or workbook version.

Explore your options below!

Option 1

Downloadable E-Book

Do you learn best by reading E-books online?  

Would you prefer to reduce waste and limit your carbon footprint?

This has all the best information on cueing poses in an unprintable pdf E-book.

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Option 2

Workbook Edition

Do you learn best while holding a book in your hands?

Do you prefer to write notes in your books so all your thoughts are compiled in one helpful spot?

Well, I’ve got you covered!

I’ve created a workbook with all the same poses in the “Cues for Yoga” E-Books but with extra pages for notes.
