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Cues for Life: An 8 Week Online Mentorship Program

CUES FOR LIFE: An 8-Week Online Mentorship Program

This is your opportunity to invest in yourself and the life you want to live!

Are you feeling out of alignment with life?

We often feel out of alignment with life when what’s arising around us is not what we want. We want it to be different!

The 8 Limbs of Yoga remind us that the reality in front of us cannot be different (it’s already there in the present moment) while giving us the tools to shift how we show up with it.

What are the 8 Limbs of Yoga?

The 8 Limbs of Yoga are holistic tools that gift us a set of tenets, which teach us how we can navigate life aligned with out highest self.

They teach us different facets of ourselves and how to Embody Yoga, not just “practice” yoga.

Are you struggling to stay inspired?

Inspiration is an inside job not something to seek outside of yourself.  When you stay tethered to the present moment what is revealed is the magic, creativity and inspiration all around you!

Join me as we dive deep into the experience of yoga, the experience of life

Are you ready to break free of your limitations in order to lead the life you were meant to live?

What you will receive:

A powerful plan of action to remove blockages that are stopping you from living your most authentic life

Energetic experiences and transformational strategies you can apply to your life in real-time

An in-depth understanding of how to take the 8 Limbs of Yoga off the mat and into every facet of your life

Community support that will supercharge the vital energy we build together awakening your power within

A supportive and intentional container to focus on YOU!

Each week we will explore one of the 8 Limbs of Yoga

Which will include:

  • Intention-based Asana Practice (physical postures) geared towards the Limb we will be discussing

    (The physical practice will be an All-Levels class with modifications and support given. It’s important to listen to your own body and move in a way that best supports you physically, emotionally, and mentally)

  • Guided meditation to support the powerful integration of the practice

  • Journal prompts to better explore the wisdom and voice within

  • Intention setting for how we would like to embody this practice using the 8 Limbs as our guide

  • Discussion on the specific Limb of Yoga followed by Q and A

Week one

Understanding the Yamas - Principles that teach us how to treat others and the world around us

Week Two

Understanding the Niyamas - Standards by which we practice self-discipline and self-love

Week Three

Understanding Asana - The physical practice of Yoga

Week Four

Understanding Pranayama - Exploring the power of breath

Week five

Understanding Pratyahara - Withdrawing from the senses

week six

Understanding Dharana - Focused concentration

Week Seven

Understanding Dhyana - The power of meditation

Week eight

Understanding Samadhi - Our 8th Limb of Liberation

“You already are everything that you seek.”

What are people saying:

Laura’s love for the art of yoga, her experience as a yoga instructor, and her conscious awareness of life, have helped to shape me into the confident woman and yoga teacher I am today; - Mel R.

Laura is intriguing, insightful, and inspiring! I have received the greatest sense of empowerment, grace, and tenacity in my own life and teachings through my continued experiences with Laura. Anyone who has taken a class with Laura can feel the ancient wisdom of yoga in all of its limbs shine through in a beautiful and skillful manner. - Crystal V.

Laura has been a pillar guiding me (and so many others) to my heart voice! - Susan K.

Thank you, Laura, for the beautiful gift of your teachings.  I feel balanced and at peace.  I so enjoyed learning from you! - Amber T.

Your journey through the 8 Limbs will take you from doing-ness to being-ness

Building momentum towards the most important facet of the embodiment of Yoga: 

The ability to stay in the present moment, no matter how the moment is showing up

Program Dates and Times:

Friday, September 8th, 9am-11am PST

Friday, September 15th, 9am-11am PST

Friday, September 22nd, 9am-11am PST

Friday, September 29th, 9am-11am PST

Friday, October 6th, 9am-11am PST

Friday, October 13th, 9am-11am PST

Friday, October 20th, 9am-11am PST

Friday, October 27th, 9am-11am PST

*All sessions will be held on Zoom. If you are unable to make a session or miss part of a session, they will be recorded and sent out to you within 24 hours.

Session Breakdown:

The first hour will be asana, guided meditation and journaling

The second hour will consist of philosophy discussion followed by Q and A.

Are you ready to meet yourself from a place of compassion and deep love?

You are meant to live connected to your Peace and Joy!

You are meant to shine bright and live life aligned with your highest self!

This is your chance to sit in community and be reminded of the power of this ancient science and its tools to help you better navigate all of life’s experiences.


Say YES to yourself and the experience of beautiful, unchanging peace!


Who is this workshop for?

I’ve never taken a yoga class before in my life but I’d love to know more and leave with a better understanding of this practice - THIS WORKSHOP IS FOR YOU!

I’ve been teaching Yoga for a while now and I’m feeling burnt out and would love time to just receive as well as a reminder of the power of this practice - THIS WORKSHOP IS FOR YOU!

I am a seeker of wisdom and knowledge and would love to spend time in community with like minded individuals where we can uplift our individual and collective energy to better serve humanity - THIS WORKSHOP IS FOR YOU!

I am feeling stuck in life and not sure where to go or what to do next - THIS WORKSHOP IS FOR YOU!



I am offering my 8-week Online Mentorship Program for $1333.00

*At check out you will be able to pay in full or break your payment into 2 monthly installments of $666.50

This is your opportunity to step into the life you want to live!

What you will need:

A Yoga Mat and any props you like to use during your asana practice

Comfy clothes you can move around in

A blanket to cover up with during guided meditation

If you like to take notes - bring with you a pen and paper

An open heart, ready to receive!

If you are a Yoga Teacher, this workshop will count towards 16 hours of continuing education through Yoga Alliance